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Usually related to education, philosophy or society, I write these to give form to some of things I grapple with. If they can spur on debate and reflection so much the better.
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Citizens Assemblies: a Silver Bullet for Climate Change?
When it comes to the environment, participatory decision-making seems to be remarkably effective at achieving desired outcomes both in...

Fairytales of Growth
"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are...

A Special Issue on... The Economist
Every now and then there comes a time when rhetoric coming out of the establishment starts to falter when faced with real life. Think of...

Fridays for Future
On Friday March 15th, hundreds of thousands of children across the world went on strike. Not against their schooling system, nor against...

The idea of De-Growth
Just because some of us can read and write and do a little math, that doesn’t mean we deserve to conquer the Universe. — Kurt Vonnegut...

The AI Arms Race
An Israeli politician is found dead in his hotel room. The cause of death is identified as a lethal poison, injected through his arm...

An Atom Bomb in the Making...
“The huge majority do not understand the historical significance of the moment. I wonder am I mistaken or not?” — Vladimir Vernadskii,...

On Whistleblowers and... Democracy
Christopher Wylie and Shahmir Sanni are two rather remarkable whistleblowers. One is a gay coder with a Canadian accent rocking a pink...

On Hope
Why is it so strange that, when reading a good piece of literature on the subject of hope, I feel deeply touched? Or that, conversely, I...

What is wrong with our Democracy?
The events in Catalunya cannot help but trigger one’s interest in democracy. That old word we so easily take for granted. Power to the...
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